Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bio Lab

Had our first full bio lab meeting yesterday. It was...a joy. This semester is going to be mostly ecological biology. And, much as I love trees and bunnies, studying them does not feel very "labby" to me. My TA is a agricultural landscape design guy who looks at how what we use land for affects the natural habitats around it, particular in streams and other bodies of water. But Kelsey promises me that it becomes science eventually. (Just not a science I care about...)


Greg said...

But when you're doing ecology you can pretend you're studying a real subject, like math!

Becca Farnum said...

Ah! Good coping strategy. Unfortunately, this only works if you're doing something with numbers. This should happen at some point this I did have a brief moment with the correlation analysis on the formal paper we read through, but, as I said, brief.