Saturday, December 6, 2008

"Tropic Thunder"

I watched it! Kelsey told me to cover my eyes at the beginning a bit, but it wasn't anything too bad. And I LOVED it. Though I was sad about Tug's "baby" at the end...


Charlie said...

With a special appearance by the winner of MTV's "greatest kiss" award...

what a great flick.

If Tug's "baby" refers to the TiVo, and you were imagining Fred in the same horrible position, then yes, that was a tragic moment.

(SPOILER ALERT - the following may cause extreme mother-related mental trauma)If, on the other hand, you're referring to the little kid who gets thrown through the air out into the jungle, I have to confess that I giggled, and your mother laughed out loud. VERY loud.

Becca Farnum said...

You two are terrible! Of course I was referring to the kid! It was so sad. I got all excited and thought maybe the baby was coming with...and

And the previews were amazing, yes. I really, really want to see "Satan's Alley." They should make it into a real movie. I'd totally go see it.