Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm Exhausted

The problem with having a lot less to do than usual: When one suddenly has to do actual work, one becomes exhausted.
I met a friend at 9 am for breakfast.
I had a 10 am meeting with the Chautauqua folks about MLK Day and next semester.
I babysat Kamden again for several hours.
I had a 4:30 meeting with my undergrad research project on peace and justice groups in the area.
I had a 5:30 meeting with Amplifx (alternative magazine and peace group) and Steve Sharra to discuss how Amplifx can get more linked in to campus.
I came home.
I ate dinner.
I took a bath.
I sorted some paperwork.
I washed dishes.
And I'm exhausted.
And that's absurd.


Jon said...

Sounds like end-of-term letdown. Go with it, you've earned it.

Becca Farnum said...

Thanks, Jon. I get a full week off in Chicago; I plan to make the most of it!