Friday, October 29, 2010


I had a breakfast meeting with a friend this morning, and she casually mentions she's applying for the Truman. "So am I," says I. "There's a November 8 deadline for one of the drafts or something, I think," says she.
I've been continually asking scholarship folks about this, and the reply has generally been "just look over the website and start thinking about language." Apparently the date was announced at the info sessions, which I was told not to bother attending since information would be what I already knew. (The only published deadline on the Truman website is theirs, in February, but the internal selection committee from MSU wants Nov 8.)
Anyways, I've just had a thrilling hour and a half setting up my letters of recommendation. Bishop from church, senior advisor to the president, and my thesis professor are all now on board and committed to making the deadline.
Thank you, thank you, moment of chance from friend. And thank you, thank you, darling adults who give me quick turnarounds.
Now I just have to write up my part...uh huh. No problem. Not like I have anything else to do. But utter catastrophe has been diverted, and I am very slightly ahead of absolute deadlines for assignments and papers, at least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky, indeed!
I am confident that you will get it together and it will be fabulous!
I am settling in to watch THE rally and then the MSU/Iowa game.