Friday, February 27, 2009

MSUFCU Errands!

I think I freaked out the MSUFCU cashier or service representative or whatever you call the dudes. He looked at my check from Nola (she paid me for the entire year's condo bills in one check) and was like, " you need this today?" I think, somehow, he's not used to seeing college students with large checks...Anyways, it was kind of fun. And now I shall be able to pay the American University in Cairo for my tuition!


Anonymous said...

You do realize that the condo fees may go up, don't you? They should be notifying you about a meeting in June where such decisions are made. You can designate someone to vote for you and let them know of your wishes regarding dues if you will be out of the country.

Did you receive/pay your winter property taxes?


Becca Farnum said...

I have paid winter taxes, yes. And I am kind of assuming dues will go up one of these days. It won't be a problem, especially since I now have a roommate.