Monday, June 20, 2011

Becca Murders Every Asian Cuisine Style at Once...

...and it tastes bloody good.
Tonight's dinner creation:
1. Saute sweet red peppers in teriyaki sauce and sesame oil (or, since technically we don't have sesame oil, a shitake sesame oil-based dressing, and a honey teriyaki sauce).
2. Slowly cook small pieces of chicken in boiling teriyaki sauce.
3. Fast-fry scrambled eggs with some teriyaki sauce.
4. Boil Ramen noodles for two minutes and instantly drain.
5. Fry Ramen noodles in peanut butter, slowly adding a bit of water at a time to create a sauce base.
6. Stir peppers, chicken, and eggs into Ramen peanut butter and stir well.
7. Bring entire creation to boil while stirring, and wonder if this is going to be any good.
8. Eat...and realize that yes, it's going to be blasted good.


Charlie said...

"2. Slowly small pieces of chicken in boiling teriyaki sauce."
When murdering Asian cuisine, it's best to have a little Engrish. :-)

Becca Farnum said...

Don't be absurd. English is for losers.

Becca Farnum said...

And so, clearly, is Engrish.

Anonymous said...

It did look pretty dang good.
--Anonymous co-worker

Charlie said...

Your (Becca's) second comment confuses me. Certainly you don't consider yourself a loser? Engrish is a wonderful tradition and brings delight to millions...

Becca Farnum said...

Okay...Engrish of course is not for losers, except cool losers.
But the proper use of English or Engrish is clearly for pathetic people who care about things like intelligent speaking. Ha. Suckers.

Anonymous said...

I passed your recipe on to my friends Cathy and Rita. Will let you know of any feedback. I bet Mark will give it a try. Uncle Al