Sunday, June 19, 2011

Culinary Genius

I have had an incredible day, culinarily-speaking. Made some French toast with cinnamon raisin bread and scrambled the remaining egg dip (flavored with half 'n' half and cinnamon). Did a bit of chicken seasoned with lemon pepper, paprika, chili, garlic, and dried onion. And...some chicken marinated in A1 for dinner. Not just for steaks, people.
Utterly delightful.

Totally has been "domestic day." I also took care of laundry, cleaned, and cuddled with the dog. Moving on to get some academic work done as well, now.

Love you all - and have a wonderful day, fathers out there! (And everyone else.)


Charlie said...

Breakfast: egg, milk, banana, vanilla, blended at "shred" for a few seconds. Prep time: 30 seconds. Delicious.
Lunch: 2 blueberry donut holes at church, 6 pancakes and sausage (Mom made the pancake batter, I just cooked). Prep time: 5 minutes. Delicious.
Dinner: Nachos, Southwest Eggroll, Chicken Quesadilla, Dirty Bastard beer, Guiness-glazed Bacon Cheesburger cooked rare. Prep time: approx 15 seconds (to order), wait time: 15 minutes chatting with Kendall & Rachel. Delicious.

Happy Father's Day to me!

But yours sounds yummy too.

Becca Farnum said...

Gee, I'm shocked. Papa spent his Father's Day...eating.