Monday, August 23, 2010


I cooked for the first time since Israel last friend V is staying with me until the dorms open, as she has harp lessons and whatnot this week. I made us homemade pasta sauce (let me tell you, the fresh mushrooms were a fantastic addition) topped with goat cheese. And yummy, yummy salads inspired by Panera's Strawberry Chicken Poppyseed - spinach, mandarin oranges, blueberries, strawberries, homemade granola (courtesy of V, not me), and an orange-lemon dressing that I made. Apparently I now know how to make homemade dressings. That was new...and yummy! V, an avid Trekkie and Star Wars fan, had not seen "Galaxy Quest." So I sat her down and made her watch it. Life was good.


Anonymous said...

Did you have any pasta with your sauce?


Becca Farnum said...

Yeah...except that I fail. And somehow managed to cook the pasta incorrectly. Given the number of times I've cooked pasta, I'm not sure how I managed this. But I did. And so it went.