Sunday, February 21, 2010


Today, I have accomplished:
1. Running.
2. Showering.
3. Watching a few episodes of a TV show.
4. Preaching two services at Holt UMC.
5. Driving to Kalamazoo and back with my mother, belting out Broadway the entire time.
6. Seeing my baby cousin play in a Junior Symphony Concert.
7. Seeing my best friend Eric for the first time in months.
8. Dropping in on a meeting.
9. Doing an LBGT panel for the West Circle Residence Life Staff.
10. Reading some material for classes.

And...yay! Good day. : )
Love you all!


Anonymous said...

I love how almost everyone you see is your best friend...

so much love.


Becca Farnum said...

I refuse to submit to a hierarchy of friendship. Rather than demoting everyone to simply "friend" or "acquaintance," I have decided to make everyone my best friend. Much happier.

And furthermore, I would have no idea who to actually claim as my best friend. I don't know that I actually have one.

Charlie said...

Other than me, of course. But I promise not to tell Mom.

Becca Farnum said...

You just