Thursday, February 25, 2010


Usually, I find it much more difficult to preach to people I know. Holt was no problem. Wesley, though, I thought was going to induce a little bit of nerves. But nope...nothing. Just lots of fun. (I preached at the regular Wednesday night service at Wesley last night.)
I didn't go to the Chautauqua due to snow - it was down Michigan Ave. at Gone Wired and I had class on-campus till 5:30 and then would have to leave at least an hour early to get to choir on time, and I just didn't think it was reasonable given the snow and how much it would have slowed me up. Then choir was canceled. So I had an incredibly relaxed evening...which was kinda nice.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

The Reverend Tuthill appreciates your preaching.