Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I've found it! Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology

Here are the classes I get to take for this BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC, PERFECT major:
ZOL 341 Fundamental Genetics
ZOL 355 Ecology
ZOL 355L Ecology Laboratory
ZOL 455 Evolution (W)
ZOL 328 Comparative Anatomy Bio Vertebrates (W)
ZOL 313 Animal Behavior

And some combo of:
ZOL 310 Psych/Bio Human Sexuality
ZOL 415 Tom's Class! (Evolution and Behavior with my current honors bio prof whom I love)
ZOL 434 Evolutionary Paleobiology
ZOL 448 Evolutionary Develop Bio
ZOL 457 Foundations Evolutionary Bio
ZOL 320 Developmental Biology
ZOL 402 Neurobiology
ZOL 430 Neuroendocrine
ZOL 849 Evolutionary Biology
ZOL 822 Topics in Evol Bio

Becca=INCREDIBLY happy she found this. Never would have thought to look under Zoology...but this is seriously what I find really fun and cool. And tonight, Fukuyama showed that I could actually bridge it with my International Relations and Peace and Justice. I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Phooey on Fukuyama. I refuse to surrender to liberalism. History ain't over till the fat lady sings and Nancy Pelosi isn't that fat.Uncle Al

Becca Farnum said...

That book has created quite a stir, 'tis true. I would say that Fukuyama, here, means liberalism as in democracy and individualism, rather than an economic system. He's written a lot of other stuff, since. Fukuyama wasn't addressing this topic yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should do this unless you can generate some enthusiasm for it...


Anonymous said...

And how in the world do you have room for all these classes?? You don't lose that many from Micro, do you???


Becca Farnum said...

Yeah I do. Science majors=lots of credits. It's two more credits than finishing micro would be. I am determined to make this work. I will! I don't know how, but I will!