Monday, November 30, 2009

Chuck's Tips on Life

Aww. Got this from my bio lab professor today:

Hi Everyone-- I hope you're rested up and ready to make that sprint down the stretch. Keep working and keep your spirits up. Sometimes the pressure towards the semester's end can seem unbearable. Here are some of my tips for dealing with life's stress:

a) Work steadily and wisely. Determine what's most important (or what's worth the most points) and give that your primary attention.

b) Do the best that you can do under the circumstances. DON'T LET OTHERS PUT UNDO PRESSURE ON YOU TO SUCCEED.

c) REMEMBER THAT YOUR SELF-WORTH DOES NOT HINGE ON YOUR ACADEMIC SUCCESS. Please remember that the people that really matter in your life don't equate your successes or failures with your value as a person.

d) Be at your best. Eat well, sleep well, and maintain a positive attitude. This is the time when bad choices can really affect your performance. AVOID DISTRACTIONS. Don't stay up all night to finish a paper, then be groggy during an exam. Don't get involved in family or roommate or boyfriend/girlfriend problems. THEY CAN WAIT. Deal with those problems over break. Got negative friends? Avoid them until after exams.

e) Focus on what's important. YOU are important. A single course is NOT the end of the world. A single semester is NOT the end of the world. Keep on top of your stress by reminding yourself that 1) you are worth MORE than any of your problems and 2) you can only do your best. Others will just have to learn to adjust to that. They will.

f) And finally, when you feel ready to unravel - seek help. Talk to your professors, because they can often help you come up with a plan that will help you make it through the difficult times. Seek a good counselor. Academic advisors, pastors, and trusted uncles or aunts can help you focus and give you a better sense of self-worth as you go through stress-filled times.

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