Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Back to the grindstone...

We are back to the "regular" rhythm of and classes! Amy made me participate in a friendly bracket competition for March Madness; that will be entertaining. I don't know that people understand just how much I DON'T know. Haha.
I think I have Kansas winning, but I don't even remember. (Nor could I tell you a single thing about the Kansas basketball team, other than I think they're from Kansas!)


Anonymous said...

Shame on you! What kind of a Spartan are you?


Becca Farnum said...

A mercenary one...I figured everyone in the MSU bracket would put MSU all the way, and I was likely to get more points if something happened and they tanked. :)
I'm not saying I actually think it's going to previously mentioned, I know literally nothing about basketball. Other than it has baskets and a ball.