Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ahh, Gloomy Sundays

November has was cold today. Church, a bit of work, a bit of play, dinner with the Ellises and Alec, a bit more work, a bit more play. It's been deemed "Disney Day" in my house and we've been watching "Hunchback" and "Pocahontas." And there are now brownies in the oven. (Explain how Kelsey and Lindsey like brownies, I don't really all that much, and yet I'm the one who baked them...)


Anonymous said...

Since there are "no brownies" in the oven, how did you bake them??
How/where was dinner?


Becca Farnum said...

Oh dear. "No," "now," same thing.
Dinner was Olga's...yum.