Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Teacher Scholar Awards

Tonight is the meeting to determine the Teacher-Scholar of the instructor at MSU who has been teaching for 10 or fewer years since their terminal degree. I got placed on the committee as an undergraduate rep. It's gonna be a hard decision. We have 14 names, all qualified for the award. 5:30 meeting at the Kellogg Center. We get dinner...and we meet till we've decided. This could be dangerous.


Anonymous said...

Becca on a committee?? How did this happen?

Have fun!!

Cristóbal, Lord of the Flail said...

Remind me about this next year... I fully intend to nominate Dr. Laura Dilley for as many awards as I can possibly nominate her for.

Becca Farnum said...

Chris, darling, you're not allowed. They go through the colleges...sorry, babe.

Mum, I have no idea how/why I'm on THIS committee.

Cristóbal, Lord of the Flail said...

I will barge into every college's meeting and nominate Laura Dilley for everything, then. It is the only possible course of action.

Becca Farnum said...

You do that, darling. lol.