Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Date Night"

Funny, funny movie. Amy, Kelly, and I went to the Tuba Museum for dinner (thanks to a gift certificate via MyCokeRewards - go, Kendall, go). We then went to a school playground and pretended we were five (I got stuck on the swing...stupid hips. Amy, of course, still fits into the baby swing. Brat). And then we went to see "Date Night."
Most impressively, on the way home, Amy and Kelly drag-raced down Harrison Road. At around 35 miles per hour. It was rather epic. Kelly and I won - we cut her off right before the Mount Hope one-lane light. Score!


Charlie said...

How to go out to eat cheap:
a) Announce to all your friends that your mom is a Coke Code addict.
b) Publicly post Coke Codes given by your friends to your mom.
c) Privately enter the code yourself.
d) Use coupon.

Hmm. Hope it was tasty! :-)

Anonymous said...

My problem: I have attempted to send you 2 email messages at our msu address over the past 2 weeks and both have failed.
What has happened?
