Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm Here

Sorry I haven't written much, yesterday and this morning have been fairly boring. I'm terrified about the election...


Charlie said...

All is well.
If McCain wins and serves, things will be better than they have been for 8 years.
If McCain wins and Palin becomes president, things probably won't be much worse than they have been the last 8 years.
And you've enjoyed the last 8 years... so how bad can it be? :-)
Besides, we might enjoy Canada.

Becca Farnum said...

Thank, there, Papa. Helpful. Truly helpful. Dying, here!

Andúnië said...

We are all staying up to decide whether we all need to pack our bags for Canada. This is really frustrating, you know. It doesn't yet look like Obama's winning is anywhere near secure.... urgh.

Jon said...

Children, children (& I'm including you, Charlie), I was just thinking today about the 1st time I voted for President. It was 1972. Nixon beat McGovern with a 23% margin & carried every state except MA & DC. Were we discouraged? Hell, yes! Did we run away? Hell, no! We continued to protest, & right before our eyes the Nixon Presidency dissolved in the Watergate scandal. Carter won quite handily in 1976.

Becca Farnum said...

No need to run away! YAY!!!!