Sunday, July 10, 2011


Has humanity ever come up with a better idea that brunch? I think not.
This morning was a rather fantastic morning. Woke up and read some political articles on the Middle East. Took Shammi for a run. Took a shower. Made brunch.
What was for brunch, you ask? I shall tell you!
Apple strudel bread, French toasted in eggs, nutmeg, freshly-squeezed orange juice, and orange zest, topped with strawberries that have been soaked in orange juice and organic maple syrup. And then scrambled eggs with nutmeg, freshly-ground pepper, freshly-squeezed orange juice, and orange zest.
Sensory sensation, baby.
The problem with Sunday brunch: You automatically feel the need to nap afterward. Even when you have an insane amount of work to do.

1 comment:

ac said...

i'm hiring you to cooke for me, minus the eggs and eggy bread. i only like my eggs hard boiled or deviled. miss you love. happy birthday - i owe you a drink!!