Friday, February 25, 2011

And no Truman

I have not been selected as Truman finalist.
GOOD NEWS: I get to go with my Daddy on the social justice spring break trip to Washington, D.C., and see my wonderful friends that I don't get to spend enough time with!

For those of you (cough Mom cough) who are panicking, concerned, or disappointed over this development:
1. Please do not be.
2. I am not.
3. This was an incredibly valuable process for me regardless.

A couple of reasons I am not/why I think I was not selected:
1. I am not honestly sure I am called to grad school.
2. I am incredibly international in perspective, and I think I may have gone "too global" for the Truman.

That being said, I will be applying for the UK scholarships. We will see what goes down there. And if none of them, I will take the hint and wander off to the Middle East and start trying to make a difference in people's lives in a non-academic setting.


Anonymous said...

I am, in fact, not panicking, concerned, or disappointed. I am very happy that you get to go to Washington for break--I think it will be a lovely time.
I'm glad it was a valuable process; I am sorry none of your friends moved on.
The world is full of wonderful opportunities, little miss, and I am delighted that you have such fun with whatever comes your way.


CrisTÓbal, Lord of the Flail said...

I must insist that I simply *love* the fact you say you are not sure you're "called" to go to grad school :)

I'm sure you were just too perfect for them. Being Michelle Obama this summer will be better to put on your resume, in any case...